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Botany and Taxonomy of the species called “Carob” and carob in different Languages
Ceratonia siliqua, commonly known as the carob tree and St John’s-bread,[1] is a species of floweringevergreen shrub or tree in the pea family, Fabaceae. It is widely cultivated for its edible legumes, and as anornamental tree in gardens. The seed pod may be crushed and used as a substitute for chocolate.
It is native to the Mediterranean region including Southern Europe, Northern Africa, the larger Mediterranean islands; to the Levant and Middle-East of Western Asia into Iran; and to the Canary Islandsand Macaronesia Its also Cultivated on California and Australia.
The vernacular names in other cultures and languages for Ceratonia siliqua include:
Arabic: خروب kharrūb;German: Johannisbrotbaum; Greek: χαρουπιά kharoupia or ξυλοκερατιά ksylokeratia; Spanish:algarrobo, caroba; French: caroubier, caroube; Hebrew: חרוב ḥaruv; Portuguese: alfarrobeira; Catalan:garrofa; Sicilian: carrubba; Turkish: harnup,keciboynuzu; Croatian: rogač; Albanian: xhixhibanoz. The word Carat, a unit of purity for gold alloys, was derived from the word carob.
Ceratonia /ˌsɛrəˈtoʊniə/ is small genus of flowering trees in the pea family, Fabaceae, that is endemic to the Mediterranean region and the Middle East. Its best known member, the Carob tree, is cultivated for its pods and has been widely introduced to regions with similar climates. The genus was long considered monotypic, but a second species, Ceratonia oreothauma, was identified in 1979 from Oman and Somalia. It belongs to the subfamily Caesalpinioideae, tribe Caesalpinieae.
An obsolete name for Ceratonia was Acalis.
Following you can find some other species of carob or Algarrobo (in Spanish)
- el algarrobo europeo (Ceratonia siliqua);
- el algarrobo loco o árbol de Judas (Cercis siliquastrum), de la subfamilia Mimosoidae;
- el algarrobo criollo o guapinol (Hymenaea courbaril);
- cualquiera de las especies del género americano Prosopis, incluyendo:
- el algarrobo blanco (Prosopis alba);
- el algarrobo chileno (Prosopis chilensis);
- el algarrobo negro (Prosopis nigra);
- el algarrobo americano o huarango (Prosopis pallida).
Además, puede hacer referencia a los siguientes lugares o divisiones administrativas:
- Juan Cousté (establecida como Algarrobo), localidad de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina);
- la estación Algarrobo, estación de ferrocarril ubicada en dicha localidad;
- Algarrobo, comuna de la V Región de Valparaíso (Chile);
- Algarrobo, municipio del departamento de Magdalena (Colombia);
- Algarrobo, municipio de la provincia de Málaga (España);
- Algarrobo, comuna del departamento de Lambayeque (Perú).
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